Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm Back

It started last year February. I realized that I didn’t want to be at my job anymore. The economy sucked and I was supposed to be happy to even have a job, so I kept mine. I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t know what else to do and I slowly became miserable. It ended in an amicable divorce.
I had the roughest ideas of what I might want to do and took the wrong job for the right reasons. It was doing something different, a learning experience and a paycheck. It lasted three months.
When you hit rock bottom all you have to run on are fumes and a dream. Self pity starts when you realize you have nothing, self motivation occurs when you realize you have nothing to lose. I’ve been there.
I had an idea for a business and figured “Fuck it, why not?” I needed income, and decided I was getting a new job in an industry I like and would do what it took to get what I wanted. A little experience can go a long way if you try and stretch it. But little worth having comes easy - learned that the hard way.
Fighting expenses, expectations, and an eviscerated ego. That was my summer - a straight hustle.
Today, the business is coming to the final stages and we're looking to launch. I'm also double timing, working a nine to five, but doing exactly what I wanted to. I'm good at what I do and if I try I will be great. And to ice it off, I just finished a mid-morning coffee snack. It feels damn good and it's only going to get better.
Look out, I’m back.

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